Your first steps with Kubernetes

Your first steps with Kubernetes

You have a brand new Kubernetes cluster and want to get started now? But regardless of whether you have a local minikube or a Managed Kubernetes with all the bells and whistles, the first Kubernetes objects in the super simple YAML format will make almost everyone frown at first. What are deployments, services and so on? And what are all the labels for? Let’s try to shed some light onto this.

The most important Kubernetes Objects

To manage and control a Kubernetes cluster, you need to use Kubernetes-API-Objects, in which you describe the desired state of the cluster. These are sent to the cluster in simple YAML format with the help of kubectl. In addition to an API version, metadata and the object type, there is usually a spec section in which you describe the desired state of your application. spec can be defined differently for each object and is nested in many cases. For example, an object deployment contains attributes for an object replicaSet, which in turn has attributes for a pod object in its own spec section. But before it gets too complicated, here is a brief explanation of these three important objects:


A deployment describes a desired state of an application and attempts to constantly create it. Deployments can be used to start, scale, update, roll back and delete applications. Deployment objects are usually used to manage applications.


A replicaSet ensures the availability of a defined number of identical pods. If necessary, new pods are started and also stopped. replicaSet is normally only used indirectly through a deployment.


A pod defines a group of containers (often only one) that share a common namespace on a host. The shared namespaces (e.g. shared file system or network) facilitate easy communication between the containers. A pod is always accessible through a unique IP in the cluster. Normally, pods are only used indirectly through a deployment.

With these three objects, we can start our first MariaDB deployment and establish an initial connection with it.

The first K8s-Deployment

As a first simple application, we will start a non-replicated MariaDB as a deployment. But before we take a closer look at the definition, send the object to your cluster with kubectl apply:

But before we take a closer look at the definition, send the object to your cluster with apply:

kubectl apply -f mariadb.yaml deployment.apps/mariadb-deploy created
You don’t have a kubectl yet? Find out how you install kubectl (click) and save your kubeconfig in ~/.kube/config


For changes to your deployment, you can simply adapt the yaml file and send it to your cluster with the same command. If you want to delete your deployment simply replace the apply with a delete.


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: mariadb-deploy
    app: mariadb
  replicas: 1
      app: mariadb
        app: mariadb
        - name: mariadb
          image: mariadb
            - containerPort: 3306
              name: db-port
            - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
              value: "123456"

Taking a closer look, we find parameters for all three Kubernetes objects in the example.

Lines 1-6: We define API version, kind, name and a freely selectable label for our deployment object.

Lines 8-11: Are part of the replicaset (RS). Here we define matchLabels as well as the number of replicas and include pods with the label mariadb in the RS.

Lines 13-25: Define your pod. In addition to a label, parameters for the MariaDB container are passed. We use the official MariaDB image, define port 3306 and set the root password for the database via an environment variable.

A better overview with describe and get

With describe and get you can get a quick overview and all the necessary details of your applications. A simple kubectl describe deployment/mariadb-deploy provides all details about the MariaDB deployment from the example.
get all on the other hand, lists all objects, but the output can quickly become confusing even with just a few applications in the cluster. That’s why there are different ways to filter the output, e.g. using the label app. With the following examples, however, you will quickly have the output under control.

Example for get with different filters

kubectl get pods
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get replicaset -l app=mariadb -o json
kubectl get po –field-selector=status.phase=Running

The quickest way to display the components of your MariaDB is to use the label filter:

kubectl get all -l app=mariadb


pod/mariadb-deploy-64bfc599f7-j9twt 1/1 Running 0 64s

deployment.apps/mariadb-deploy 1/1 1 1 64s

replicaset.apps/mariadb-deploy-64bfc599f7 1 1 1 64s

Now that you know how to check the current and desired state of your application, let’s take a closer look at pods and containers.

Integrate with pods

Without further configuration, applications are only accessible within the Kubernetes cluster. In addition, you rarely want to make a database accessible via a public IP. kubectl therefore offers two options with proxy and port-forward to guarantee access to internal pods and services. For MariaDB we use port-forward and send all traffic that arrives locally on port 3306 through kubectl to our MariaDB pod. By the way, you can use the name of the deployment directly. The names of pod and replicaSet lead to the same result. The quickest way to check whether the connection is working is to use telnet or a MySQL client:

kubectl port-forward deployment.apps/mariadb-deploy 3306:3306

mysql -h -P 3306 -u root -p123456

telnet 3306

kubectl offers further possibilities for interacting with its container with log and exec. The former, of course, shows you the stdout of your pod. exec , on the other hand, is probably mostly used to start an interactive shell. Similar to docker, you need the parameters interactive and tty (-ti), to get a functional bash:

kubectl exec -it mariadb-deploy-64bfc599f7-j9twt — /bin/bash

With these few commands you can reach and debug your pods shielded in the K8s cluster. Applications that are only accessible within the cluster do not always make sense, of course. In order for others to access them, you need a Kubernetes service with a public IP. But there is much more behind a service.

Connect your pods with a service

A service binds a fixed internal IP address (ClusterIP) to a set of pods, which are identified by labels. Compared to a service pods pods are very short-lived. In this example, as soon as we trigger an upgrade of MariaDB, our deployment discards the existing pod and starts a new one. Since each pod has its own IP address, the IP address at which your MariaDB is accessible also changes. Thanks to the labels, the service finds the new pod and the traffic is forwarded correctly.
A service therefore ensures the internal accessibility of your deployments through the ClusterIP. In addition, a service can also have the type Loadbalancer. This binds a public IP and forwards all traffic to the ClusterIP. In the following example, you can see a service for your MariaDB.

In addition to API version, kind and metadata, there is again the spec section. Protocol, port and targetPort define, which traffic is forwarded. In the selector, the labels are used to determine which pods are to be served. With the optional line type: LoadBalancer a public IP is bound in addition to an internal cluster IP.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: mariadb-service
  - port: 3306
    targetPort: 3306
    protocol: TCP
    name: mariadb
    app: mariadb
  type: LoadBalancer

In this example, exactly one container is defined for a pod and our selector in the server also only applies to one pod. But what happens when replicas are increased in the deployment? First, of course, several pods are started and thus also several MariaDB containers. The selector in the MariaDB service naturally finds them by means of the label and the connections are forwarded to the pods in a round-robin process. Technically, this works without problems in the example, but as long as MariaDB itself is not installed as a replicating cluster, this makes little sense.

What comes next?

With the examples shown here, you can roll out and debug your first applications. But you can already guess that we’ve only scratched the surface on Kubernetes and of course there are still many questions! What happens to my data in MariaDB and how can I connect the short-lived pods to a persistent volume? Do I need a separate public IP for each application? How do I get metrics and logs of my cluster and my applications? We will of course answer these and other questions in the following blogposts. Well then, see you next week!

How to start your Managed Kubernetes at NWS

How to start your Managed Kubernetes at NWS

Interested in how to start a Managed Kubernetes at NWS? Here you can find out how to get started! First, you will need an account for our NETWAYS Web Services platform. After registering, you can start our open source-Apps like RocketChat and GitLab and also create accounts for Openstack and Kubernetes.

tl;dr – Watch a demo

Christian shows you our Managed Kubernetes in a recorded Webinar. Pictures say more than a thousand words?


Of course, you decide on a Kubernetes account and after a few clicks you get to the overview for managing and starting your Kubernetes cluster.


Start your Kubernetes Cluster

The most difficult thing when starting your cluster is probably choosing a name. Unfortunately, we can’t help you with that. How about foobar? But before virtual machines start in the background, you have to decide on a control plane and the number of your worker nodes.

Control Plane

A control plane is all the services and resources needed to manage and control your Kubernetes cluster. These services can be started on one or three master nodes (VM’s). The latter has the advantage that in the event of a failure or an update, the Kubernetes services and API are still available. In addition, depending on the size of the planned cluster, a flavour must be selected for these master nodes. Please note that you can no longer change the number of master nodes and the flavour later.

Worker Nodes

Your applications are started on the worker nodes, which are managed and operated by the control plane. For a highly available application, you need at least two of them. As with the master nodes, you must select a flavour. Due to the resource-based billing, the costs for 16GB Ram, for example, are always the same, regardless of whether they are distributed over two or four VMs. You can adjust the number of worker nodes to your current needs at any time in the NWS web interface.

Starting the cluster can take five to 15 minutes, depending on the number of master and worker nodes. So there is enough time for a coffee. In the background, VM’s, floating IP’s, load balancers, security groups and much more are started, configured and checked piece by piece until your Kubernetes is ready for use. What now?


Get an overview of the NWS web interface

After your cluster has been started, the NWS web interface gives you a good first overview. There you will find important information and other options for controlling your cluster:

Status and Worker Nodes

You can check the status of your master and worker nodes as well as the accessibility of the API at any time in the NWS web interface. If you need more resources, you can adjust the number of your worker nodes with a few clicks and also perform a hard restart of individual VM’s in the event of a problem.

Kubernetes Dashboard

For an easier start, we have already rolled out and prepared the Kubernetes Dashboard for you. A simple insight can be achieved in three small steps.

Object Store

When you start the cluster, you also get access to our object store. This is based on Ceph and is compatible with the S3 and Swift API. Your data is replicated via our ISO-27001 certified data centres and remains in Germany.

Cluster Update

To make Kubernetes cluster updates as easy as possible for you, we test them thoroughly. But to keep you in control, you decide at the push of a button when the updates are applied. In addition to the Kubernetes services, the operating system of the VM’s is also updated. In the case of a highly available Control Plane, the components are updated piece by piece so that there is no loss of service. The applications are also moved on your worker nodes so that individual VM’s can be gradually updated and restarted.


The kubeconfig is a file that contains all the information needed to access the Kubernetes API via the kubectl command. Technically, this YAML file contains the HTTP endpoint of the API, a user name and a TLS client certificate with CA. In the web interface, you can of course download the file and save it immediately under $HOME/.kube/config. This way you can explore your cluster with kubectl without any further parameters. The best way to find out how to install this for your operating system is to consult the official documentation.


Start with kubectl on the command line

Unfortunately, you won’t need our web interface very often when working with Kubernetes on a daily basis. You will spend most of your time on the command line. kubectl is the central tool to control your applications in the cluster. First, you should run a few simple commands to get familiar with your cluster:

kubectl get nodes

Shows you a list of your nodes with status and version.

kubectl describe node <name>

Besides labels, pods and metrics you get a lot of detailed information about your nodes.

kubectl explain <resource type>

With explain you can quickly get more information about individual resource types.

kubectl get all

Shows you an overview of all running resources in the default namespace. With –all-namespaces you can see not only your applications, but also the resources of the Kubernetes cluster itself.

With the kubeconfig and kubectl, you now have everything you need to get started. With what? With part 3 of our series and your first steps in Kubernetes. There you will learn more about deployments, pods and services and how to roll out your first application.