Managed Kubernetes

Your Happy-Go-Lucky Container Orchestration Service.

  • Managed Control Plane
  • Service Mesh and GPU support
  • Cluster ready in Minutes

Get Managed Kubernetes and Deploy in Minutes

Setup, Updates, Operation: we take care of it! Managed K8s made for you.

Cancel at any time

Professional 8×5 Support

(24/7 if ordered)

DC Certificate: ISO 27001

Servers location: Germany

Custom Made

  • Need anything special?
  • Get in touch with our team!

*A minimal Kubernetes cluster setup consists of a control plane and at least one worker node (2x virtual machines + 2x floating IPs). The pricing for Kubernetes clusters is based on actual usage. Additional costs for storage (S3 or persistent volume claims), load balancers and traffic may arise dynamically if used.

Sail the Seas of Automation with More Ease

Our Managed Kubernetes service helps you to orchestrate your container workload. With Kubernetes (K8s) you automate the deployment, scaling, and management of your containerized applications. While we take care of running and operating your Kubernetes cluster, you benefit from all the features Managed Kubernetes has to offer without having to worry about availability and performance of the underlying infrastructure.

Deal with all kinds of jobs: deployment of containerized applications, CI/CD pipelines or batch processing. Kubernetes is the state-of-the-art tool to lead your business into the modern time of software development and IT operations.

Build, deploy and scale your applications with trust.

white steering wheel with a face

New to Managed Kubernetes?

Get a brief overview of the concept and basics of Managed Kubernetes.

Build, Deploy, Scale. Fast & Fearless.

Browse through the features of our Managed Kubernetes solution and find out the details that allow you to ship your container workload with ease. Unlock the full potential of containerization with ease. Explore a world of scalable and reliable application deployment possibilities, while leaving the management and orchestration to us. Discover the power of Managed Kubernetes and take your cloud infrastructure to new heights.

Cluster in Minutes

Define your cluster status, set the number of nodes, download your kubeconfig and start using kubectl: in just a few steps, your Kubernetes cluster is ready. We take care of its high availability, updates, backups and a stable underlying cloud infrastructure.

Managed Control Plane

The control plane is the brain of the cluster that takes the action and enforces your desired state. You can choose between a standalone or a high available control plane. We monitor and operate it – 24/7.


Cilium is a more advanced CNI that offers sophisticated networking and security features, such as fine-grained policy enforcement, load balancing, and deep visibility, making it suitable for complex and security-conscious Kubernetes deployments.

CI/CD done rapidly

Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration platform that can help streamline your CI/CD workflows. By running your CI/CD workloads on top of Kubernetes, you can experience faster deployments, greater independence, and less manual work.

Persistent Volume Claims

Managing data within containers can be tricky. In theory there is only stateless workload for your pods, for everything else we support persistent volume claims. Store your data, e.g. for the operation of databases, beyond the lifecycle of containers.


The NVIDIA A10 graphics card combines professional graphics with processing power and AI acceleration, making it ideal for tasks like 3D rendering, machine learning, and AI that involve large or complex data sets.

Horizontal Autoscaling

Scale your app easily with Kubernetes. Trigger with command or web interface. Autoscaling adds new containers/VMs based on usage, saving time, resources and money.

LB and Service Discovery

Streamline scaling and high availability with our Load Balancer as a Service. No need to modify your application’s service discovery. Automatic load balancing and DNS management for a hassle-free experience.

Object Storage

Every Managed Kubernetes cluster comes with credentials for our own S3-compatible storage. Your data is replicated and distributed across two ISO 27001-certified data centers located in Nuremberg, Germany.

Open Standards and API

We’re committed to Open Source and Open Standards. Our Kubernetes clusters are fully compatible with upstream project and OpenStack-based infrastructure. Embrace multi-cloud strategies with us!

Fedora CoreOS Updates

Optimize your Kubernetes cluster with Fedora CoreOS. Perfect for containers, it offers automatic updates through new image creation and reboot. Choose from different update options: immediate, periodic, or lock-based.


The restart of failed containers and the distribution of the workload to healthy containers is managed automatically by Kubernetes. In addition, the functionality of the applications can be checked by individual health checks.
Picture of Sebastian Saemann

”The possibilities that Kubernetes offers are fantastic! From simple deployments to highly complex High Available Setups: It’s all possible! With NWS Kubernetes, a highly available cluster can be up and running in minutes.”

– Marc Zimmermann (Manager SaaS)

Our Services. For Your Success.

Easy Start & Integration

When your business grows, but your infrastructure has reached its limits: Extend it with just a few clicks in the NETWAYS Cloud web interface. Based on OpenStack, state-of-the-art and enterprise proven cloud technology.

High Availability

Be sure to rely on a highly available architecture. From the power supply unit to a fault-tolerant setup: Nothing is left to chance! All NETWAYS Cloud Services components are redundant twice and thrice. It’s stable as a rock.

Security Standards

Data security and privacy is a must for you? For us too! The NETWAYS Managed Kubernetes Services are hosted in Nuremberg, Germany. Rely on GDPR compliance and know your data is safe in our two ISO-27001 certified data centers.

Premium Managed Services

Direct and without detours: With us you’ll never end up in the waiting loop of a service hotline! Talk to us on site and in person, or via chat, ticket or phone. We are happy to support you and solve your problems – anytime!

Scalability on Demand

Grown and growing projects with great demands need flexible resources. The underlying architecture of the NETWAYS Cloud Services is built for scale-out. Multipliable a thousand times. No limits for your success.

Fair Partnership & Pricing

We value fairness and transparency. No licenses, no vendor lock-in, hourly billing, transparent breakdown. Made for consciously chosen, reliable partnerships and communication at eye-level.

“NETWAYS allocated a great person named Gabriel, who very soon became our colleague in the team. Together we set all the requirements for building applications from scratch with NETWAYS Managed Kubernetes.”

Eitan Arat, CTO,

Use Cases

Get an overview of four common scenarios in which Managed Kubernetes simplifies your life and helps you to achieve your goals.


Hosting apps designed in a micro-service architectural approach is the most classical scenario to Managed Kubernetes. The eco-system is full of ideas and best practices how to deal with this kind of software architectures. Service-mesh, autoscaling, selfhealing and rolling upgrades are just a bunch of many features that can make your Dev and Ops life easier.

Migrate existing Applications

Migrate your existing applications to containers and deploy them on top of Kubernetes. Maybe you are right if you think this is kind of over-engineered for simple apps, but the complexity is handled by us. You benefit from the comfortable, abstract way of deploying your apps with Managed Kubernetes. And maybe we are right when we say you will love it.


Managed Kubernetes also brings noticeable benefits to Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment/Delivery methodology. A consequential complement for the other shown use cases. To get the best out of Kubernetes and your application your development und deployment process should be automated as much as possible. Popular tools like GitLab, Jenkins, Travis-CI or Team-City have good integrations with Kubernetes.

Batch Processing

Running compute intensive and reoccurring jobs on top of Kubernetes is another common use case. Managed Kuberentes helps to spread and distribute computing intensive jobs across the cluster. Also less intensive batch jobs can be run besides other production load to fill up gaps of unused compute resources. Use your resources more effectively. You can even spin up a cluster just for a short period of time, run and compute your batch jobs and delete the whole cluster again. You will be charged only for this period of time using those resources.

Quick Start in 3 Easy Steps

Login or Create Account

Register a new account or login with an existing one.

Start your K8s Cluster

Create your new Managed Kubernetes cluster.

Create your first Application

Deploy your first app in minutes and scale easily.

Meet the MyEngineers

You want an expert at your side for the optimal flow with your IT? Our MyEngineer is your personal architecture consultant! Always there with help and assistance. Powered by passion.

Justin Lamp

That could be you!

Dominik Seidel

Apostolos Pliakos

Customers Who Trust Us

The trust of our customers makes us very proud!
With many we are connected by many years of partnership and often friendship. Learn more about our Case-Studies.

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What is Managed Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open source software that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of container applications. Containers, in which microservices are packaged, are grouped into logical units to facilitate their management. “Managed” means that a provider like us handles numerous tasks around this infrastructure, so your IT can focus on actual development.

We have developed a Kubernetes tutorials series for you, which takes you step by step into the world of Kubernetes, Containers and Co. – have a look!

What is Container Orchestration?

In modern development processes, applications are made up of numerous components, which in turn are packaged in containers. For an application to work the way you want it to, these containers must work together. The process of organizing how these individual components work is called container orchestration. Kubernetes is the leading solution for container orchestration.

What does Managed Kubernetes cost?

With us, you only pay as much as you actually use. Prices are based on the hourly usage of your resources, such as CPU, RAM, DISK, load balancer. Starting at only 1,88 € per day we offer you our Managed Kubernetes Clusters.  You can find the exact billing details for individual resources on our Pricing page.

How can I use NETWAYS Managed Kubernetes?

First of all, create a free NWS account. Then start your Managed Kubernetes and log in again – with different credentials, which you can find in the Access tab. Now you are ready to start and manage your Kubernetes cluster in our web interface. You can find detailed instructions in our tutorial “How to start your Managed Kubernetes at NWS” by Achim.

Why should I use Managed Kubernetes from NWS?

We make it easy for you to get started in the world of Kubernetes and, of course, support you in every phase of your project. We take care of the creation and optimal operation of your Kubernetes cluster. We are proud to be among the first providers in Germany to offer this service!

In addition, if needed, a MyEngineer is always available to work closely with you and build and run your architecture exactly according to your needs.

Who can I contact in case of problems?

If you have any questions or problems regarding our Managed Kubernetes, you can always contact our support service or your personal MyEngineer. Without hotline or queue we are there for you. 24/7 – if you like!

How long is the contract period?

With our Managed Kubernetes there is no contract period.

How does Managed Kubernetes make my daily work easier?

Kubernetes takes many tasks off your plate that you would otherwise have to do manually and executes them automatically. Kubernetes helps to group several of your containers into pods to deploy, scale, manage and monitor them efficiently. This speeds up the development of applications as well as their rollout.

With our managed solution, you can also be sure that your cluster is optimally set up and operated, that the numerous resources required for this are available at all times, and that you can save yourself time and effort.

Contact Us!

You have any requests or questions, or just want to say ‘hi’? Get in touch with us! We are happy to hear from you! Send us a message and we’ll see you in a bit!