Managed Database

Your Scalable, Solid Base. Built with Vitess.

  • Multiple Replicas
  • Partitioning & Sharding
  • Cluster ready in Minutes

Get Managed Database and Start in Minutes

Setup. Updates. Operation: we take care of it! Managed Database made for you.

Database Basic

€ 29.99
per month

Basic Features

Highly Available SetupReplication across data centersDaily Backups2 Replicas freeGateways: 2
15 GB Data per Replica30 GB Traffic free15 GB Backup Storage freeGood for: Basic Load

Database Medium

€ 49.99
per month

Medium Features

Highly Available SetupReplication across data centersDaily Backups2 Replicas freeGateways: 2
30 GB Data per Replica60 GB Traffic free30 GB Backup Storage freeGood for: Medium Load

Database Advanced

€ 99.99
per month

Advanced Features

Highly Available SetupReplication across data centersDaily Backups2 Replicas freeGateways: 2
75 GB Data per Replica150 GB Traffic free75 GB Backup Storage freeGood for: Advanced Load

Database Professional

€ 189.99
per month

Professional Features

Highly Available SetupReplication across data centersDaily Backups2 Replicas freeGateways: 2
150 GB Data per Replica300 GB Traffic free150 GB Backup Storage freeGood for: High Load

Custom Made

Need anything more special?
Get in touch with our team!

All Database instances are failsafe replicated across two data centers with servers in Germany.
All data centers are ISO-27001 certified. Updates are included in our monthly packages.

Empower Your Data with Precision

Rely on high availability and integrity of your data! With our stable, secure, and endlessly scalable Managed Database, your company is always well positioned. Start your MySQL compatible DB Cluster built with Vitess in just a few clicks and benefit from an extremely strong feature set. Leave the complexity of database administration to us. We handle set up, backups and updates – so you can focus on your business!

Scale out easily! No matter if migration, schema changes, or sharding your data is always accessible! And of course, we are there as well if you have any questions or requests.

NETWAYS Managed Database – move on!

Learn about how to run MySQL with confidence on Kubernetes with Vitess from our CEO Sebastian Saemann
See how Activision/Blizzard uses Vitess to scale their database landscape and managed thousands of databases with ease
white steering wheel with a face

Wait – What is Vitess?

Get a brief overview of the concept and basics of Vitess.

Unbreakable and Scalable to New Heights

Browse through the features of our Managed Database solution built with Vitess and find out the details that allow you to rely on the integrity of your data and flexibility of your solid base for flourishing applications.

Database in Minutes

When building and running applications, you need flexibility. Rely on a flexible database that is ready within minutes. Just a few clicks in our NWS web interface and you have a stable, secure, and scalable database as a service. No setup, no maintenance, no pain. We take care! Buying a ticket for public transport is more complicated. Start using your DB right away!

High Availability

We replicate your data and distribute it at least twice across two sites in our ISO-certified data centers. With Vitess we have disenchanted the witchcraft and automated our replication setup to the maximum. Leave the database management work and time-consuming tuning to us. Rely on a highly available architecture. Primary DB and replicas with failover and self-healing mechanisms are in place.

Disaster Recovery

Anyone who has experienced data loss knows how painful it is. How much work and hassle is involved, when valuable data is suddenly gone. Daily free Disaster Recovery (DR) Backups are included with our Managed Database. All our DB clusters come with this one backup out of the box. We can even increase the number of backups if you want us to. Relax and recover from worries!

MySQL Compatible

Our Managed Database built with Vitess is just right for your MySQL compatible applications. We store your data on MySQL servers and use Vitess to access it. Almost all applications are compatible with our Managed Database. We like to talk in structured language.

Multiple Replicas

Each of our Managed Databases comes with a high availability setup by default. In case your app produces more read-intensive workload, simply increase your replica count! The trick: your app still accesses one address and Vitess does the magic to lead and accelerate the queries. We have different modes of synchronicity available. Just add the right replicas for your best possible performance.

Partitioning & Sharding

As traffic grows to your site your database might end up being overloaded with too many requests. This is where partitioning and sharding help you out by breaking your big single logical database into multiple small databases. Distribute the load even more and scale by just adding more nodes to split up your tables. Partitioning and sharding with Vitess bring basically unlimited scalability for your DB.


If slow response times of your application become persistent, the cause is often the high load on the database. With our Insights you have an overview of the performance metrics of your database. Easy to understand diagrams visualize the load. Zoom in or out by defining a time span. For an even better understanding of usage and utilization and more accurate resource planning.

Non-Blocking Architecture

Schema migrations on production are no longer frightening! With traditional databases, depending on your operation and your data, there might be some blocked tables for a period of time. This can range from minutes to hours. With Vitess, this issue is solved! Your database is always available. Even rollbacks of the migration can be executed, if necessary.

Picture of Sebastian Saemann

“Our NWS Managed Database scales with just a few clicks!
Replication across two data centers offers optimal protection against data loss. With the resource-based pricing model, you’ll always see what you’re paying for.”

– Dominik Seidel (Systems Engineer)

Our Services. For Your Success.

Easy Start & Integration

When your business grows, but your current database has reached its limits: Migrate to our Managed Database with just a few clicks. MySQL compatible and based on Vitess, state-of-the-art DB clustering technology.

High Availability

Be sure to rely on a highly available architecture. From the power supply unit to a fault-tolerant setup: Nothing is left to chance! Our triple point of failure situation makes your database stable as a rock.

Security Standards

Data security and privacy is a must for you? For us too! The NETWAYS Managed Database is hosted in Nuremberg, Germany. Rely on GDPR compliance and know your data is safe in our two ISO-27001 certified data centers.

Premium Managed Services

Direct and without detours: With us you’ll never end up in the waiting loop of a service hotline! Talk to us on site and in person, or via chat, ticket or phone. We are happy to support you and solve your problems – anytime!

Scalability on Demand

Grown and growing projects with great demands need flexible resources. The NETWAYS Managed Database is made for scale-out. With sharding and partitioning there’s no limit for your success.

Fair Partnership & Pricing

We value fairness and transparency. No licenses, no vendor lock-in, hourly billing, transparent breakdown. Made for consciously chosen, reliable partnerships and communication at eye-level.

Our Pricing

Fair. Transparent. Valuable.

The pricing for your Managed Database is based on actual usage. Resources will be accounted for every started hour.

Quick Start in 3 Easy Steps

Login or Create Account

Register a new account or login with an existing one.

Start your DB Cluster

Create your new Managed Database cluster.

Create your first Application

Deploy your database in minutes and scale easily.

Meet the MyEngineers

You want an expert at your side for the optimal flow with your IT? Our MyEngineer is your personal architecture consultant! Always there with help and assistance. Powered by passion.

Marc Zimmermann

Martin Schuster

Apostolos Pliakos

Kleon Rockenbach

Customers Who Trust Us

The trust of our customers makes us very proud!
With many we are connected by many years of partnership and often friendship. Learn more about our Case-Studies.

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What is a Vitess Cluster?

A Vitess Cluster consists of several components. These include the VT-Gate, the Vitess Orchestrator, the VTCTLD and the Topology Service ETCD.

Why should I use Managed Database from NWS?

Because a highly available database cluster can be a big challenge for your operation, we take care of the hard part and offer you the easiest and most straightforward solution with our Managed Database.

Can I migrate my current database with NWS?

Yes, this is possible with all current MySQL databases.

How can I access my running Vitess Cluster?

To access your Vitess cluster, you simply need to log in with username, password and the IP port that you get on our “Get Started Page”.

How long does the contract for my Managed Database run?

You can cancel your contract at any time and immediately. We only charge you for every hour or part thereof.

What does Managed Database cost?

We offer five different price packages: Basic, Medium, Advanced, Professional and Custom Made. Starting at 29.99€ per month, all pricing models include a highly available setup, replication across data centers, daily backups, 2 free replicas and 2 gateways – as well as many powerful features that come with NWS Managed Database, built with Vitess!

Who can I contact in case of problems?

If you have any questions or problems regarding our Managed Database, you can always contact your personal MyEngineer. Without hotline or queue we are there for you. 24/7 – if you like!

Contact Us!

You have any requests or questions, or just want to say ‘hi’? Get in touch with us! We are happy to hear from you! Send us a message and we’ll see you in a bit!