Virtuelle Private Cloud

Erstelle Dein eigenes virtuelles Rechenzentrum

  • Powered by OpenStack
  • Software Defined Network
  • NVMe und GPUs verfügbar

In wenigen Minuten bereit

NETWAYS Virtual Private Cloud

Hosted and made with love in Germany.

Intel® Xeon® CPUs



Software Defined Network

NVIDIA® GPUs available

Powered by OpenStack

Virtual Private Cloud Preise


per month

  • NAT Gateway
  • Public IPv4 Address

Pay-as-you-go | Scale on demand |Cancel at any time

* This is a rough estimate based on our current prices. The expansion of services may lead to increased costs. Please see our pricing page for detailed informations.

Virtual Private Cloud Features

Get unparalleled flexibility and control over your virtual infrastructure. Within your dedicated Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you’re the architect of your Cloud.

You have the power to define your own routers, configure network address spaces for your internal networks, and even establish a VPN connection, all within the secure confines of your project. Whether you need to segment or isolate workloads or build a complex network architecture. It’s your Virtual Private Cloud, your rules!

Zentralisierte Kontrolle

Create and separate networks quickly, either by using the CLI, API or the Web Interface. Naturally, your preferred IaaS tool is very likely supported.

Individual Networks

Mit einem hohen Maß an Isolation und Sicherheit für Deine Anwendungen und Daten wird diese Art von Netzwerkarchitektur für einen einzelnen Benutzer oder eine einzelne Organisation verwendet.

Easy Use Icon

Advanced Networking

Floating IPs

Use-Case Scenarios

Multi-Tier Application

Leverage a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to deploy a multi-tier application. Create separate subnets within the VPC to host each tier of the application. The web servers reside in a public subnet, while the application and database servers are placed in private subnets.

Security groups and network ACLs are used to control traffic flow between the subnets, ensuring security and separation. Load balancers and auto-scaling groups can be easily integrated within the VPC to enhance application availability and fault tolerance.

Multi-Tenant Cloud Hosting

Offer services to multiple customers, each with distinct requirements, security concerns, and data isolation needs.

Benefit from Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) technology to create isolated environments for each customer within our public cloud infrastructure. Each customer is allocated a dedicated VPC, which serves as a secure, self-contained unit within the shared cloud environment. If needed you can also connect separated networks.

Additionally each VPC gets its own user grants and views to its ressources.

Your VPC – Your Rules

Operating Systems

Users, Roles, NWS-ID

Control which users can access, read or create and delete ressources in your VPC. Furthermore control who gains even more capabilities and can have insights into the contract or bills.

Custom Image


Quotas are limits you can use to prevent system capacity exhaustion and to prevent being charged by mistakenly configured ressources. Quotas are enforced at the VPC level and are granulary broken down to Image, Compute, and Storage.

Do more with your Virtual Private Cloud

Make your cloud project a great fit by choosing only the resources that you need, in exactly the right size and amount, and scaling out and in anytime. Our NETWAYS Cloud Services based on OpenStack offer many compute, storage and network resources designed with newest technology. Create your modern IT infrastructure with ease.

Fly high with our Cloud

Cloud Services are a crucial part of modern computing, offering a flexible and scalable virtual infrastructure. With us, as a GDPR-compliant hosting provider with ISO-27001 certified data centers in Germany, you can launch your reliable Cloud Services in just minutes!

Flexible Icon


Dynamically adapt to changing requirements. We provide the resources, as needed. Ready, whenever you are.

Flexible Icon


We’re built for scale out – and so is our NWS Cloud, based on OpenStack. With us, even sky is not the limit.

Flexible Icon


Wir haben alles gesehen. Daher wissen wir, wie Du schwierige Situationen bewältigen kannst. Mach das Beste aus Deiner Cloud-Infrastruktur – mit uns.

Flexible Icon

DSGVO Konform

Datensicherheit und Datenschutz werden nie alt. Und wir werden niemals müde, Deine Daten hier in Deutschland sicher aufzubewahren.

Flexible Icon


Erledige Aufgaben mit uns zeitnah und bezahle nur für das, was du tatsächlich nutzt. Kosten sparen? Klingt clever.

Flexible Icon

Fokus auf Dich

Du kennst Dein Kerngeschäft am besten. Und wenn es um das Management von Cloud-Infrastrukturen geht, kennen wir uns auch bestens aus.


Erstelle deine Instanz mithilfe einer Befehlszeilenschnittstelle (CLI), der REST-API oder unserem Webinterface.

OpenStack CLI

Verwende das OpenStack CLI-Kommando, um eine neue Instanz mit dem gewünschten Flavor zu erstellen.

openstack server create --image 'Ubuntu Jammy 22.04 LTS' \
--flavor s1.medium --network vpcnetwork myinstance


The provided REST-API allows you to create an OpenStack instance. There are also libraries for the most popular programming languages available.

curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" \
    -d '{
        "server": {
            "name": "'myinstance'",
            "flavorRef": "'$FLAVOR_ID'",
            "imageRef": "'$IMAGE_ID'",
            "networks": [
                    "uuid": "'$NETWORK_ID'"


Create your Cloud Server using the NETWAYS Web Services.

Screenshot Zeichenfläche 1 Kopie

Nice to know

Wofür steht SDN?

SDN steht für Software Defined Networking. Bei SDN wird die Steuerungsebene vom Datenfluss getrennt, was es Netzwerkadministratoren ermöglicht, ihren Netzwerkverkehr auf eine effizientere und effektivere Weise zu verwalten.

Ist es möglich, nur "SDN & Floating IPs" von NWS zu verwenden?

Ja, es ist möglich, nur für das NETWAYS Managed Cloud Feature „SDN and Floating IPs“ zu bezahlen!

Wie viel kostet das Feature "SDN und Floating IPs"?

Beim Traffic-Accounting wird eine Stichprobe des Datenverkehrs berücksichtigt, der unsere Edge-Netzwerkgeräte verlässt oder erreicht. Der Datenverkehr zwischen virtuellen Maschinen und Verfügbarkeitszonen ist kostenlos! Für Floating IPs wird ein täglicher Preis von nur 0,25 Cent pro IP berechnet. Weitere Informationen findest du auf unserer Preisliste.

Wen kann ich im Falle eines Problems kontaktieren?

Du kannst Unterstützung unter sowie im Live-Chat unten rechts erhalten.

Contact Us!

You have any requests or questions, or just want to say ‚hi‘? Get in touch with us! We are happy to hear from you! Send us a message and we’ll see you in a bit!